Mistress Myrina

Mistress Myrina
Whip appeal...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Myrina Spanks Atlanta

Hello slaves,

I have been enjoying myself so much I neglected my blog. It is the passion for BDSM and the effort of ONE slave that brings me this far south. So a big thank you to my slave for arranging my travel to Atlanta. While I had every intention of coming months ago, I received no deposits for sessions in Atlanta.

Why do you need a deposit you ask? Well several reasons...for one it weeds out those with appointment fetish and all the tine wasters. If I ask for a nominal amount (as the deposit is only 30 dollars per session hour requested) and you are not willing to secure a session, then we probably don't need to have one. It is a small gesture however, one required for all new submissives.

Believe it or not, when I first went independent I wasted a lot of time with submissives who were not serious about meeting. I am now very adept at weeding out the time wasters. Those who do  send a deposit are usually going to show up and submit to their Superior Mistress. I do however understand that you have been so abused (and not in the good way) by women who misrepresent themselves as either Prostidommes or other such insidious characters that once you are scammed its the fool me once rules...I get it..I really do....but to that I say use your common  sense. Check the background of the Domme you desire to session with ( I was trained in one of the top dungeons in Manhattan whose background is in a few of my pictures for those who recognize it) Talk to the Mistress openly and explain the fetish you are interested in. Not all Dommes will cater to every fetish and while I tend to be more open minded and extreme, it must be mutually beneficial for all involved. I am REAL and willing to prove it should you gather your courage. Be respectful and submit.

I am looking for quality interactions. This is not just a hobby for me. I actually LIVE this lifestyle and usually can think of little else. I have PASSION for  BDSM and desire to engage in its practice for many years to come. I am looking for slaves to video as well as for photo shoots (of course you can be masked) as I am ready to expand my abilities and visibility. My new website is coming along nicely...I am learning a great deal about web design and content management. I have a few photo shoots scheduled in the upcoming months and I am always looking for good photographers who enjoy the visual of fetish gear.

I would like to be a bit more interactive and with over 17k+ views to my blog since February I would have thought all you subs would be more vocal. I want to hear from you and what you enjoy perhaps I should start a forum as well? Nah there are enough of those. Leave comments and let me know what you desire, where you might like me to visit, and how you plan to please your Mistress. Send me an email and if you desire to speak to me at length arrange a  phone or web cam session where we can explore your fetish interests. This is especially helpful for novice subs who have many questions. Follow my blog and leave topic ideas if you like. I take classes and enjoy learning the proper fetish techniques, chances are I will know the answer you seek.

I have had fun in Atlanta. I met some of my minions and enjoyed your abuse so much. slave david in particular who saw me several times during my visit...slave chris for handling an "Amazon Fist" and slave jason, slave johnathan and slave ted who all took their first step toward obedience training. slave tony your devotion and hospitality has been wonderful during my stay. I am looking forward to coming back to Atlanta to further your abuse... 

Headed to Richmond now to put you pathetic subs in your place it has been a while...I'm not here long so lets play tomorrow...

Until then I will get my hands on you in:

Richmond, VA - June 22nd- 24thEdison, NJ - June 25th - Limited Time Available - Call NOW!               
Trenton/Philadelphia - June 26th - One Day ONLY***
Poughkeepsie, NY June 27th One Day ONLY***
Milwaukee, WI - July 2-4, 8-10
Chicago July 5-7
Providence/Boston July 12th - 15th***

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