Mistress Myrina

Mistress Myrina
Whip appeal...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Columbus OH, Chicago, IL Milwaukee, WI Kneel and submit to your Mistress!

Hello minions,

As I travel across the country in this inclement weather I often wonder how many of you truly appreciate Dommes like Me who visit your ill-traveled cities and offer the opportunity of service. Many of you live in places that in My perspective as a Manhattan born New Yorker I would never bother to visit. Not just because your city pales in comparison but because ...no it does. So here I travel to see your pathetic asses in your various  obscure cities and hamlets (in inclement weather nonetheless). I have just left Columbus and would be remiss if I didn't mention the service  of slaves j and l. All Columbus slaves should thank slave j that I was able to make it there at all. he brought Me to your city. Unfortunately, I ate something that made me quite sick (not withstanding lemon bars ) so I didn't get to see many of you. I do certainly plan to return and may do so sooner than you think.

I am headed to Chicago and Milwaukee. When I get there look forward to seeing many of you for the first time and of course My slaves who are in service to Me. I travel to this area enough to train you and when I come to visit I expect to see you. This is very real for Me. I understand that when you come to see Me you are looking for something real. I offer you a real experience. I can not do this if it has no meaning. I left a very well paying corporate job because I am so passionate about BDSM and the proper administration of various fetishes. As a corporate executive in NYC and moreover, as an African American Woman I held a position of power and met with all of the various  executives and firms in Midtown. I implemented many things that I felt would improve and enhance the present business model I was working on. What I have realized is that I often let My passion for BDSM cloud that which is the business of BDSM. To be honest I don't love putting up ads or updating  My site; which really is more of a posting than anything (that will be changing very soon amongst other things) or even requiring a deposit. I don't enjoy these things but alas they must be done.

I realize that since the economy has tanked and there is now a small army of "prostidommes" to weed out. For those of you who don't know what I am speaking of; I mean the strippers with whips, faux dommes and others who fantasy play and offer sexual services with a BDSM flair. I DO NOT offer this. There is NO sex. It never ceases to amaze Me that you pathetic bitches think I actually want your pathetic cocks. As though you are worthy of My body. YOU ARE NOT. I do this My way and I am a practitioner of BDSM. I will do many things with your cock but it will not include sex. Pathetic... just utterly pathetic but I digress.

So I understand when many of you tell Me that you have such a hard time finding a REAL DOMME. Well its the same in reverse so what do we do about it? Well for starters you need to understand that no real Domme will ever offer you sexual services and DO NOT ask...quite frankly I will tell you to go suck your mother off if you do. There are various resources ie, fetlife and the submissive guide etc. Also it is important to know that what you see in porn is NOT what you will have in a session with a Professional Dominatrix. It's fucking porn...I mean really do NOT call Me and ask for something from a porn...pathetic. In addition, when you call a Mistress speak respectfully. you are speaking to a Dominant and it is up to Her to indulge or acquiesce your requests...or not... you are no longer in control. Remember that.
