Hello slaves,
I know you may have been trying to reach Me. As I write this I have over 100 text messages and I didn't even crack the email yet. I was a bit under the weather and feeling a bit anti-social. Just don't feel like talking...for the last few days. you will get an answer tomorrow...
So keep your whiny bitch pants on I will answer you eventually. Today is 9/11 and it always makes Me a little sad. I was in Manhattan that day and I remember what I saw as I peered out of My Manhattan office in horror at the time. I am delighted that the Freedom Tower is almost done but we must always remember such an incredible loss of human life. you won't hear from Me too much today. A few of My lifestyle slaves may get a brief response. I haven't been down to the site in a while...the last time I was there was 9/14/01 and I could literally feel the loss of life and energy there then. We must always acknowledge this day.
What we should also remember is the love and beautiful way we all helped each other in the days following this horrible event 12 years ago. There were no racial, gender, or orientation boundaries in the weeks that followed and I wish we could all hold on to that and employ kindness, generosity of spirit, and compassion when we interact with other...
Said the sadistic Domme yeah I know... we could and should all attempt to be better people. Here are some little known facts about 9/11/01:
I know you may have been trying to reach Me. As I write this I have over 100 text messages and I didn't even crack the email yet. I was a bit under the weather and feeling a bit anti-social. Just don't feel like talking...for the last few days. you will get an answer tomorrow...
So keep your whiny bitch pants on I will answer you eventually. Today is 9/11 and it always makes Me a little sad. I was in Manhattan that day and I remember what I saw as I peered out of My Manhattan office in horror at the time. I am delighted that the Freedom Tower is almost done but we must always remember such an incredible loss of human life. you won't hear from Me too much today. A few of My lifestyle slaves may get a brief response. I haven't been down to the site in a while...the last time I was there was 9/14/01 and I could literally feel the loss of life and energy there then. We must always acknowledge this day.
What we should also remember is the love and beautiful way we all helped each other in the days following this horrible event 12 years ago. There were no racial, gender, or orientation boundaries in the weeks that followed and I wish we could all hold on to that and employ kindness, generosity of spirit, and compassion when we interact with other...
Said the sadistic Domme yeah I know... we could and should all attempt to be better people. Here are some little known facts about 9/11/01:
- 20% of Americans knew someone hurt or killed on 9/11.
- Around 36,000 units of blood were donated to the New York Blood Center, but only 258 were used.
- The fires burned for almost 100 days after the attack.
- Around 1,300 corporations and foundations made 9/11 related donations
accounting for nearly 40% of all donations. - 2,992 people died in the attacks.
So today if you want to send Me a tribute you can send it here:
http://www.tuesdayschildren.org and please let Me know that you did so.
If it were not for the brave men and women of the NYPD NYFD and NYPA there would have been many more casualties in this terrible attack. In addition the military assistance and Coast Guard members who were in immediate action. Remember to honor the public service workers in your area as we remember ours in NY. They are the few who run toward the trouble when we run from it. Respect that.
Never Forget.