Mistress Myrina

Mistress Myrina
Whip appeal...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Back in NY...No sessions in sight

Hello slaves,

Why no sessions? Well that is because I was in a very bad car wreck day before yesterday and just got feeling in my fingers to tell you about it. I had the right of way, and a young pregnant girl on her cell phone blow a stop sign and plowed into me without stopping. My poor little convertible didn't make it but thankfully I did.
So that is why you have not heard from me and I haven't answered many phone calls. ooI did not make it to Poughkeepsie or Albany (obviously) and I have a list of injuries that really shsall we say limit my mobility. Those include whiplash in my neck and back as well as a knee injury and a hand injury. To avoid hitting the simple little girl I swerved as to not T bone her car (I think I would still be in the hospital if I hadn't), hit the front of her car, and because she never stopped the momentum slammed me intovely nearby brick column. My neck and back are not happy.

So what can you do to help you ask? Well if you are in NY and you drive you can contact me to see where I need to go. If you are out of the NY area you can always send a tribute to contribute to my transportation expenses and find out what items I would like in this new and more painful state. Needless to say I won't be on my 6 inch heels for a while but that doesn't mean I am out for the count...just need lots of rest and adoring slaves to serve me.

For those of you headed to The Avant Garde Slave Auction this Sunday in NYC. I should still be there just not in heels...I will also next month make it to Chicago and Milwaukee on the 2nd so book your session NOW...my calendar is half full already. Thank you to my slave who left his apartment in Oak Creek for the month so I will be able to abuse you there as well as at The Studio in Chicago.

I expect to feel better in a week or so and will resume sessions then. You may text me to chat....I may be on yahoo messenger as well. I would prefer minimal phone activity for the week so I can rest...

RIP " Betsy" My Convertible Sunfire GT

Mistress Myrina

All trips this month are postponed until I feel better...


Milwaukee/Chicago Feb 2 - 23